Monday, 25 July 2011

Today I Don’t Feel Like Doing Anything (The Lazy Song)

Today was cool. We rose early and had breakfast then proceeded to go and clean our room – partly because it was a bit messy, partly because of Mo's threats to take pictures and put them on the site. And boy did we clean that room. It was swept by us and everything! We even hung the clothes in the wardrobe instead of leaving them in the case.
Then Michael came to lunch and we had a meeting that really asked a lot of questions about you and really made me think about stuff….
Then I discovered I wasn't going to the National Theatre anymore as I wasn't benefiting from it and me only being there and hour and a half on a good day wouldn't be able to give back to them.  

Anyway so I'm not going to the national theatre anymore and instead am going to school with Jameela. However i am not to teach the youngers like i did in Madagascar, instead a challenge has been set and i have to work with the older children. This is a scary thought so I am apprehensive about work tomorrow.... :/ 

1 comment:

  1. how did your first day at school go....big hugs honey and enjoy. Love you
