Sunday, 17 July 2011

3 Days in 1

I haven't blogged in a while so… apologies as this is a long one. Are you sitting comfortably? Right then, let's begin:
On Friday I went to work with Alex at the hospital. It was very interesting to identify the differences between how things run in Ghana and how they run back home. It's not that much different except back home everything is white and here it is not. I don't know – it wasn't like I expected Lewisham hospital but it was still a shock to the system I guess. I personally didn't do much other than observe but Alex did stuff which was cool to watch and I did learn about things, for example, something about pH and that means something cool – okay I didn't take it in but I did learn it… that doesn't make sense…
Anyhow, we had a lunch of biscuits and coke then went back to work then we were picked up from work by the people who work at the refugee camp, then went back to the hotel and went for a swim. I actually went swimming twice that day, once in the afternoon and the second in the evening. It was very refreshing. I think it was a nice way to spend my first Friday in Ghana.
Saturday was a very busy day. We left the hotel at 9ish and spent the rest of the day more or less in the bus. I' m not kidding, the traffic in Ghana borders ridiculous! It's like everyone was out in a car… I mean we were stuck not moving for AGES! But I'm not going to complain as the transport was very nice, squished but at least it wasn't Madagascar where we were driving all night with like 5 people on a 3 person seat and the bus had seats with cushions. So it was nice. I was asleep on Andrew for the most part… Anyway the point of the day was to do cultural visits, due to traffic that got epically screwed up but we did get to go to the museum of Kwame Nkrumah. It is in this beautiful location with a fountain and a statue of him pointing and stuff! The woman who took us on the tour was – um – very quick in getting us around. Usually in a museum you look around, take your time have some fun and learn stuff. Not here. The way she moved us through the museum so fast. It was like cramming for an exam. And do you know what the rush was for??? No so I shall tell you, it was to get us to the gift shop…. They just do things differently here I guess. Then we went to this festival and the beach – which was dirty but stunning. There was this sort of mystical element about it as there was this fog/mist type thing. It was really beautiful. Eventually we made it to dinner, it was Chinese and the chicken noodles I had were soooooooooo tasty!
Today we went to church (the guy who is the pastor is also Aaron's supervisor-y type person) and were guest of honors. I personally really enjoyed myself because I liked the singing and the dancing and the general atmosphere of the place. Then we met Ben's mum – who btw is such a lovely person!! – and had lunch with her. I wasn't actually hungry (I felt a wee bit sick – I've been drinking too much fizzy drinks) so I just had a drink of coke …. Retrospectively that probably wasn't the best idea but whatever…. Then I watched half of a movie about a book and ink and a crystal and something…….. then I had dinner and now I'm going to bed :D
Also Happy BIrthday Mr. Hamilton for yesterday, hope you had a good day!!
BTW Ma, I'm starting National Theatre this week so you'll hear all about it sooooon  x

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