Yesterday I went to school with Jameela and had the best time of my life! I loved it there! Everybody was so friendly. When we entered the school entrance the senior class started screaming (as I have mentioned Twins are considered good in Ghana) I felt like a celebrity – a bigger one than Bianca as she doesn't have people screaming at her :P. Anyway all the students seemed really pleased to see me and Jameela together. In London our Twin-ness isn't appreciated like it is here.
Then Jamee's supervisor took us around to show me the school. We went to see the pre-schoolers first and when I say they are cute I mean like solo adorable!! There was this one kid who held my hand the whole time I was in there. What was uber cool was that the teacher instantly knew who was who. She knew that I hadn't been there before (and not because of the glasses because she didn't even notice I was wearing them) It was cool because my mother who has known me for 17 years still gets us confused .
That followed a brief tour of the other classrooms before we finally settled into the head-teacheers office where I met the head… After a quick description of how things ran, Jameela introduced me to her BFF at the school, Justice, who is genuinely a really cool guy. He saw me and Jamee and was like "hey – woah!" I don't think Jamee told him she was a twin – which is often the case as it doesn't really come into conversation much. From what Jamee tells me he is a really good teacher and from watching him myself I can second that notion.
That followed a brief tour of the other classrooms before we finally settled into the head-teacheers office where I met the head… After a quick description of how things ran, Jameela introduced me to her BFF at the school, Justice, who is genuinely a really cool guy. He saw me and Jamee and was like "hey – woah!" I don't think Jamee told him she was a twin – which is often the case as it doesn't really come into conversation much. From what Jamee tells me he is a really good teacher and from watching him myself I can second that notion.
Jameela had to get to work teaching citizenship to class 4 and as I was just doing a day visit to the school and I didn't want to shake up the system they had going (that and they didn't really know what to do with me) I offered to mark some of the exam papers the seniors had been doing. It took me half an hour-ish to finish marking then went to find Mr. Bentum and found Mo, Drew and Ben as well talking to Tony, the founder of the school. They were talking about some presentation but I wasn't listening as I got distracted by a puppy chasing a butterfly… anyway I did the tour again with Mo, Drew and Ben – we went into the preschool and the same kid held my hand again. Then we went into Jamee's class and were made to sing… we sang free fallin' and talking about a revolution. We also met Ben's little bro Prince and some other kid told me I was beautiful so the day was good.
OMG Juju you are having such fun (what's happening with your National Theatre Co project) Love to hear what you have been upto. Superduppa. Love you Mama