Tuesday, 12 July 2011


Today we went to town and i learnt that Twins are good luck in Ghana (compared to in Madagascar where they thought we were sort of demon things....). Today I also met my 'Soul-Daddy', the self-titled 'Best Artist in Ghana'. Granted his work was very good but I mean really, Modest much. Despite that there was this one painting of his that myself and my twin really wanted. It was of a sunset and a fisherman. what made it really stand out (bar the bright yellow background) was the reflection of the boat and the trees in He river he painted. It truly was remarkable.
 He wanted to give it to us for free but Mo said no because he has to make a living and giving his 'spul-chjildren' free things wouldn'#t really allow him to support his flesh and blood children (twins aged 1.5 years old.) I probably should explain the 'Soul-Dad' thing. This guy had twins and me and jameela were twins there for in some level he was our father......... i don't really get it either but it was nice to be in the presence of family, real or soul.
All this btw happened after lunch. Before lunch we moved hotels. it is cute and is all separated into little houses with 4 rooms in each! Nit that i had much of a chance to look because at that moment we also had to drive into town for lunch, which reminds me of our journey into town the day before (which i guess i should have written up the day before but who cares) Myself, Alex, Holly, Paris, Jessica and Andrew, as well as Benji and Patience (the Ghanaian workers) went into Accra Town which i personally like to call Bridge Town because there is a huge bridge that dominates the area. Paris also got into trouble because she took a picture of the police station and the police guy thought she wanted to sell the pic to a magazine to write bad things about them... but I'm sure you'll read that on her blog so i won't go into detail, let me just tell you, I never thought i would be going into a police station on my first day in Ghana because of a photograph. It was really funny as well.

ANYWAY as I was saying before I interrupted myself, today we went to town and we had these beautiful bracelets made which was supposed to take 5 Min's and took over an hour. Then we went to lunch and I had chicken which was tasty but i was very tired so had little to say at the table. After lunch we met 'Soul-Daddy' and Xbox360-Boxer-Biy. now he sounds like s superhero but he isn't, He is slightly very creepy.

Anyway I am tired now so I am going to stop and write more tommorw ^___^


  1. Awesome....and its only day 2....big hug..hope you get this as i am experiencing mega trouble re logging in, following etc...xxxx

  2. Hows it going..anymore news and adventures to share?
